Helpful Resources and Explanations
8 articles
You Shouldn’t Rely on the Pour-Over Will to Fund a Client’s Trust-Based Estate PlanLearn more about the issues associated with relying on the Pour-Over Will to fund the client's Trust.
Deed and Ownership Types for Real PropertyWays to transfer real property organized from worst-case to best-case scenarios. Know the types Encore WILL and WON'T assist with.
Using Life Insurance to Fund the Trust
The Potential Consequences of Solely Relying on TOD and POD DesignationsThe advantages and disadvantages of relying heavily or solely on POD and TOD account designations.
The Potential Consequences of Joint OwnershipHere are some drawbacks to relying solely on joint ownership.
The Potential Consequences of Gifting Assets While AliveThis article reviews the advantages and disadvantages of gifting assets to beneficiaries during your lifetime.
Estate Planning, its Taxation Myths and Best Practices
Step-Up and Substituted BasisHere's a breakdown of each concept and how a step-up in basis may help heirs avoid unnecessary taxation.