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Encore Subscription Pricing and Offerings
Encore Subscription Pricing and Offerings

What a subscription includes, who it's best suited for and how to sign up.

Updated over a week ago

For those advisors wishing to superpower their Estate Planning process, Encore offers subscription options with advanced features!

Encore will always have a Pay-as-You-Go option, where you—or your client—will only pay for the plans completed in Encore. This is great if you don't do many estate plans or just want to stick to the basics to get started.

What Does A Paid Subscription Include?

Lots of perks come with a subscription! A couple of highlights are:

  • Free Visual Summary for all plans created within Encore ($50/plan value).

  • View every Visual Summary within Encore whenever you want, rather than having to download it to view it.

  • Five free Power Packages every month. This includes Financial Power of Attorney, Health Care Power of Attorney, Advanced Care Directive, and HIPAA Release ($625/month value).

  • Access to our Deed Recording service to ensure your clients' estate plans are properly funded at all times, whether those plans were created on the Encore platform or elsewhere.

  • When you buy an Existing Plan Summary (summary for a non-Encore estate plan), you also receive a complimentary plan digitization. A true time-saver, eliminating the need for you to read and translate clients' old paper plans. This crystal-clear view also helps clients determine when an amendment or restatement is needed.

  • 3-day turnaround service for one plan per month where you need a faster plan review than our typical one week turnaround ($100/month value)

Visit Our Pricing Page to see a full breakdown of the features you get with our paid subscription options:

How Am I Billed and What If I Have Multiple Users?

We don't have annual contracts like many other vendors, and you can cancel at any time. When you upgrade to a paid plan, all users within your firm will get the benefits of your chosen subscription tier. We bill monthly in advance, or you can pre-pay for the entire year for the price of 11 months!

Encore subscriptions for multi-user firms are based on the total number of user logins.

i.e., An unregistered assistant with a log-in would count as an individual login.

  • 1-2 Users: Encore Pro for $99 per month per firm

  • 3-9 Users: Encore Team for $149 per month per firm

  • 10+ Users: Call us to chat about how we can customize a subscription and product experience for your firm!

When Should I Upgrade To A Paid Subscription?

We don't recommend upgrading to a subscription if you create only a few estate plans a year - you're better off on our Pay-as-You-Go tier, where you only pay for the plans you create.

If Estate Planning is a core part of your value proposition to clients, you'll want to take a deeper look at selecting an Encore subscription plan. Beyond all the other features you get - and purely from an economics perspective - a subscription will pay for itself if...

  • create more than two plans per month since New Plan Visual Summaries normally cost $50/plan.

  • purchase one or more Powers Packages per month. Powers Packages cost $125 each and 5 are included in the subscription, so doing even one of these per month pays for the cost of the subscription.

  • …you request a 3-day turnaround service for your clients' documents when you need to get the documents back faster. This will save you $100 per instance and can be used once per month.

How Do I Upgrade To A Paid Subscription?

If you're a Firm Admin, log in to your Encore Dashboard, click Settings (in the sidebar on the left), and select Subscription. Finally, choose the Subscription Tier you want, and you're all set! You can also follow this link to go straight there.

Subscription Feature Summary

Visual Summary

Encore Pro, Team, and Enterprise include Free Unlimited Visual Summaries for every new plan created within the Encore software. These Visual Summaries can be viewed within the product and downloaded into a PDF.

Creating a Visual Summary for an existing estate plan - that was not created in the Encore software - costs $150 per summary, regardless of subscription tier. Thus, if you are on a subscription, you will be able to view and save ALL Visual Summaries within the product.

Compare this to the Pay-as-You-Go tier, in which you are solely able to download the PDF.

To see more about how to use the Visual Summary feature, check out this article.

Powers Package

Your firm gets five free Powers Packages per month on any of our subscription tiers.

See more about what is included in the Powers Package and how to set one up here.

If you are on a paid subscription and want to take advantage of your free Powers Package, please email [email protected] to receive a coupon code that will discount your five monthly Powers Packages to $0.

Unfunded Estate Plan Deed Recording

This feature - only included with Pro, Team, and Enterprise - allows you to utilize our Deed Recording Service to transfer deeds on existing non-Encore created plans into the name of your clients' new or existing Estate Plans.

To request this service, please email us at [email protected]. We will need the following information: Property address, owner(s) name, name of the Trust, and date of inception.

If you built the Estate Plan in the Encore software, you can follow the instructions documented on this article to record deed.

3-Day Turnaround Service

Under the Pay-as-You-Go option, Encore charges $100 to jump the line. If you are on Pro, Team, or Enterprise, you will get one 3-day plan turnaround per month at no additional charge. To take advantage of this, email [email protected] to request this service for the plan you just submitted.

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